Best Catholic Reflections July 13, 2024

Mass Readings and Reflection for July 13 2024
Catholic Mass Readings and Reflection July 13, 2024 Fourteenth Week of Ordinary Time 13th July 2024 (Saturday) Psalter: ...
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Best Catholic Reflections July 12, 2024

Reflection, July 12, 2024,
Catholic Mass Readings and Reflection July 12, 2024 Fourteenth Week of Ordinary Time 12th July 2024 (Friday) Psalter: ...
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Best Catholic Reflections July 11, 2024

Mass Readings and Reflections for July 11, 2024.
Catholic Mass Readings and Reflection July 11, 2024 Fourteenth Week of Ordinary Time 11th July 2024 (Thursday) Psalter: ...
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Best Catholic Reflections July 10, 2024

Catholic Mass Readings and Reflection July 10, 2024
Catholic Mass Readings and Reflection July 10, 2024 Fourteenth Week of Ordinary Time 10th July 2024 (Wednesday) Psalter: ...
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Catholic Mass Readings and Reflection July 09, 2024

Mass Readings, Reflection, July 09, 2024,
Fourteenth Week of Ordinary Time 09th July 2024 (Tuesday) Psalter: Week 2 Reading of the Day First Reading: ...
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Catholic Mass Readings and Reflection July 08, 2024

Mass Readings, Reflection, July 08, 2024,
Fourteenth Week of Ordinary Time 08th July 2024 (Monday) Psalter: Week 2 Reading of the Day First Reading: ...
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Catholic Mass Readings and Reflection July 07, 2024

Mass Readings, Reflection, July 07, 2024,
Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 07th July 2024 (Sunday) Psalter: Week 2 Reading of the Day First Reading: ...
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Catholic Mass Readings and Reflection July 06, 2024

Mass Readings, Reflection, July 06, 2024,
Thirteenth Week of Ordinary Time 06th July 2024 (Saturday) Psalter: Week 1 Reading of the Day First Reading: ...
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Catholic Mass Readings and Reflection July 05, 2024

Mass Readings, Reflection, July 05, 2024,
Thirteenth Week of Ordinary Time 05th July 2024 (Friday) Psalter: Week 1 Reading of the Day First Reading: ...
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Catholic Mass Readings and Reflection July 04, 2024

Mass Readings, Reflection, July 04, 2024,
Thirteenth Week of Ordinary Time 04th July 2024 (Thursday) Psalter: Week 1 Reading of the Day First Reading: ...
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